
  “The important thing is to never stop questioning” 

                                                                      - Albert Einstein

Our science curriculum is all about sparking the curiosity of young children’s minds, encouraging them to ask questions and be in awe of how things work and why they happen. We believe that great science teaching inspires children to be curious, explore big questions  and therefore, develop a deep and meaningful understanding of how science effects their lives and the world around us.  

The teaching of Science at Moor Park encompasses the acquisition of knowledge, concepts, working scientifically skills and develops positive learning attitudes.  

We endeavour to deliver a broad, balanced and science rich curriculum by:  

  • Encouraging and extending children’s natural curiosity about the world through awe and wonder.  

  • Allowing them to gain a progressively deeper understanding of the big concepts of Science through carefully planned learning opportunities  

  • Providing all children with the opportunity to work practically and learn through a range of first hand learning experiences  

  • Facilitate a ‘scientific process’ and equip children with the skills they need to work scientifically  

  • Develop children’s ability to communicate their ideas, ask questions and explore a rich science vocabulary through the use of ‘Science talk’   

  • Allowing children to develop a perspective about the History of Science and Key Scientists in the past  

  • Initiating a life long interest in science and future learning in STEM  

  • Deepen children’s understanding scientific concepts by exploring scientific in the school’s local area and wider environment  

  • Nurturing positive learning attitudes such as collaboration, problem solving, perseverance, self-discipline, respect for evidence, responsibility, reflectiveness and independence  


The teaching of science at Moor Park fosters open-minded and inquisitive young scientists through an inclusive, creative curriculum that follows the science programme of study in the National Curriculum.  


Science - Long Term Plan







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