Pupil Premium Strategy 

The pupil premium is extra money for schools to help disadvantaged pupils of all abilities to achieve their full potential. At Moor Park it is our intention that all pupils irrespective of their background or the challenges they face, make good progress and achieve good outcomes which are as good as or better than our non-disadvantaged pupils. The focus of our pupil premium strategy is to support disadvantaged pupils to achieve good outcomes, including progress for those who are already high attainers.

Our pupil premium strategy will have the following intended outcomes;

  1. To improve oral language and communication skills
  2. To achieve and sustain improved percentage of children working at age related expectations in writing
  3. Increase the number of disadvantaged pupils achieving 'high standard' at KS2
  4. Improve cultural and childhood experience for all pupils across school
  5. To achieve and sustain improved wellbeing for all pupils in our school
  6. To achieve and sustain improved attendance.

We'll achieve these outcomes by using a number of strategies including WellComm interventions, participation in Voice 21 Oracy, showcase lessons, attendance monitoring and working with Pupil Welfare Officers,  Hub and Hive provision and educational psychology support.


Pupil Premium Strategy 2023-2026



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