

“If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot.”

- Stephen King 


At Moor Park, we believe that English is an essential part of the curriculum: a subject that not only stands alone but one that should be an integral part of all learning. We aim to deliver an engaging and exciting curriculum that develops a love of writing and inspires children to want to write. By the time the children leave us, we aim for them to be competent writers who can write for a range of purposes and audiences.  

Our English curriculum is designed around high quality texts and is delivered in a way which recognises the varied needs of our children, allowing all individuals to maximise their learning potential as writers. We teach relevant skills such as spelling, grammar, punctuation and vocabulary systematically and robustly throughout school so that our children are well equipped to become successful writers.  

We encourage all our children to become readers and writers and to embrace opportunities in a range of contexts with confidence and enthusiasm. 



Writing - Long Term Plan

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