Taste in Science Y6

Year 6 children took part in a Taste Investigation to see what type of taster they were. 

These two questions were posed by the children, "What happens when I eat?" "Why do I like certain foods and not others?" 

A few children from Year 6 had taken part in the Explosive Food Lectures run by…

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Peer Coaching Maths Y6

In Y6, the children have been coaching each other on some of the areas in maths that they identified were difficult.

A team of children prepared the questions and answers and were on hand to support as the remaining children worked on solving the maths challenges.

Everyone had fun and…

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Striking and Fielding in Year 2

Over the past few weeks, Year 2 have been enjoying PE outside in the sun. We have been practising our striking and fielding skills and are hoping to learn the game of rounders. We have some excellent 'strikers' but we know we need to work on our fielding! 

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Fantastic displays

Look at our fantastic Bear Grylls displays!

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As part of the year 4 Bear Grylls topic, children have been debating whether it is ok to kill an animal if you are starving. What are your thoughts?

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Year 3 Roman Shields

We have been busy designing Roman Shields. Roman soldiers designed theirs to reflect their power and status. We have designed ours to show what is important to us. We then re-enacted the 'tortoise' or 'turtle' formation to show how the soldiers shielded themselves in battle. We had great…

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Bear Grylls Survival School

Year 4 have been learning all about Bear Grylls. 4EP have taken part in team building activities and survival skill training. They've learned a lot about working together. 

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PE in the sunshine

We have been practising our athletic skills in PE this half term. We have focussed on our throwing skills and our running technique for the last two weeks. We've also been able to enjoy the beautiful weather during our lessons. Great fun!


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Junk Robots

We had a great week designing and making junk robots. We had to think of names for them and the jobs that they can do. What do you think of our inventions? 


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Outdoor fun

We are having fun in nursery increasing our ball skills and using the parachute.

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In our PE sessions this half term we are working on our throwing and fielding skills.  We really enjoyed practising bowling and catching in the sunshine!

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A busy day in nursery



Its another busy day.......

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