Look what we've been up to...

It's been a busy week in reception and the children have been working hard! 
As we are coming into Autumn, the children have enjoyed investigating autumn leaves and conkers brought in by one of the children! We decided to sort the conkers and leaves by size, some of the children even decided to…
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Developing our Balance and Coordination Skills!

On Wednesday the children enjoyed their first PE session and we can honestly say that they loved it! They showed great listening skills and were superb playing our balance and coordination games - they especially enjoyed pretending to move like different animals! 

This term our PE sessions…

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Coco the therapy dog!

Image of Coco the therapy dog!
Last week the reception children got to meet our new school therapy dog - Coco! 
While Coco gets used to our school surroundings we spent the afternoon getting to know Coco and learning how best to behave around her. The children were very caring and had lots of questions about our new friend. We…
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Meet our Class Bears...

Image of Meet our Class Bears...
On Thursday the reception children were delivered two mysterious parcels labelled for Miss Woods and Miss Simpson's Class. Benji Bear and Percy the Panda had been on very long journeys and were in need of some help- they needed some friends to go on adventures with!
Benji and Percy will be…
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On Friday we were provided with the opportunity to celebrate the children's progress this year in our annual awards assembly! 

All the children have worked very hard this year and we would like to celebrate each and every single achievement they have made. It has been wonderful to see…

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Say Hello to Turbo Tim!

The reception children were treated to a special visit from an animal friend this week and his name was... Turbo Tim!

The children loved meeting him, they took great care and asked lots of important questions!

Since Turbo Tim belongs to our classmate Theo he did a superb job answering…

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It's a mystery...

Image of It's a mystery...

On Thursday morning the children arrived to find a big mess! The animals were gone, the dinosaurs were gone and the classrooms had been destroyed! What had happened? It was a mystery!

The children set off hunting to find the animals and dinosaurs, they looked all over the school! In the end, we…

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Caught in the 'Wild'...

Image of Caught in the 'Wild'...

The children have been engaging in lots of child-initiated activities these past few weeks as they are thoroughly enjoying the new topics 'Animals' and 'Dinosaurs'. We have been doing lots of research on the internet to create fact files, 'googling' questions and watching videos of the animals…

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This weeks 'Super Sentence Heroes'!!

Image of This weeks 'Super Sentence Heroes'!!

This week's super sentence heroes spent the day wearing their well-deserved capes on Friday!
They have all been trying very hard to produce their best work during our 'picture of the day' sessions focusing on their letter formation and trying to start their sentences in different…

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Sunny Super Hero Day!

We had a fabulous day today pretending to be our favourite Superheroes in the glorious sunshine. We held a catwalk showing off some of our best powers and best costumes,  we made fruit skewers to keep ourselves fueled and enjoyed some party food to ensure we had our best energy for our…

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The Mischievous Evil Pea!

Image of The Mischievous Evil Pea!
This week the children used their problem-solving skills to help them solve an evil problem! 
The evil pea asked them to figure out his problems in order to save some vegetables from a petrifying fate. The children discussed the problems and then decided upon their own ways of solving and…
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Get your free fresh fruit here...

Image of Get your free fresh fruit here...

This week the reception children have set up shop in the outside area with their very own 'Greengrocers'! Lots of lovely roleplay took place and the children enjoyed lots of discussion around the use of money and change. Some shop keepers were giving fruit away for free... bargain!

'Get your…

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