Place value in year 3
We've been using apparatus to show the value of the digits in three digit numbers and adding 10 to a given number.
Year 1 Zoo trip
Year 1 had a great day at the zoo. We visited to support our learning about animals. We identified lots of mammals, reptiles, birds and insects while we were there and used our scientific language to talk about their features, habitats and behaviours.
Collaborative learning in Geography
We had generated a list of questions about food stuffs in our lesson about where do foods come from.
We asked questions like:
Where does tea and coffee come from?
Which foods come from Asia?
Which foods come from Australia?
Where do cocoa beans come from?
We used the computers…
Our topic for this half term is Food.
This half term the topic we are covering is called Food Glorious Food. We will be reading Oliver Twist in English, looking at different foods from around the world and where different food stuffs come from. We will be looking closely at maps too. In Science we will be looking at reversible and…
PE in Year 5 with the Sports Coach
We started PE with the Sports Coach and Miss Taylor this week. Our focus for the session was Agility. We had team games to play which required moving our bodies at speed. We all had a fantastic session and are looking for to next week where we will be looking at Balance.
Year 4 Maths - Measuring and Rounding
In Maths this week we have been estimating, measuring and rounding. We really enjoyed using the different measuring tools to check if our estimates of 5m were correct.
Developing our Balance and Coordination Skills!
On Wednesday the children enjoyed their first PE session and we can honestly say that they loved it! They showed great listening skills and were superb playing our balance and coordination games - they especially enjoyed pretending to move like different animals!
This term our PE sessions…
Trainee Fire fighters in Year 2
Today we had a visit from Pete who is a Fireman. He came to talk to us about fire safety and how to create a fire plan at home. Pete taught us the importance of having smoke alarms at home and showed us how to test them.
Then some of us were chosen to be trainee fire fighters rescuing a family…
Leopard Geckos in Year 6
In our topic about adaptation and survival, we have been considering how animals change over time. Mrs Taylor brought her Leopard Geckos to school to show us how they shed their skin as they grow.
Sports For Champions
This week, we started our 'Sports for Champions' program. We played team games with our leaders and enjoyed learning new skills.