Fun maths

Image of Fun maths

Chocolate button dot arrays. Fun maths that you can eat afterwards! Xx

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Image of Apparatus!

We travelled along apparatus, balanced and dismounted.

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Gymnastics in Year 3

Image of Gymnastics in Year 3

We were balancing on different parts of our bodies. 

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We're going on an Autumn walk... we're looking for signs of Autumn!

Today the children went on an Autumn walk exploring the school grounds for signs of Autumn!

The children found many objects, berries, conkers, sycamore keys, autumn leaves and twigs that they will observe more closely this week in the classrooms. 

They discussed different trees…

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Year 2 PE

We practised co-ordination in PE this week.

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Jump jump jump!

In PE this week we focussed on our jumping skills as part of our Fundamental movements. We learnt that the best jumpers keep their feet together, bend their knees and use their arms to add power to a jump. We practised these skills through lots of different jumping activities including skipping…

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Year 4 - Commando Joe

This week we started the Commando Joe activites.  In Mission 1 we had to work as a team to retrieve water from the stream using the equipment given.  As you can see it was a bit tricky!

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Art Attack!!

Image of Art Attack!!
This week the children had a go at making their own Art Attack bodies! 
We spoke about our different body parts and how important they are and some of the children decided to build their own. We used materials found all over the classroom and the children got very creative deciding which…
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Coco Time in 2JF

On Friday we were treated to some 'Coco Time'. We have been working really hard in Year 2 and this was a much needed reward. Thank you Coco! 

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Look what we've been up to...

It's been a busy week in reception and the children have been working hard! 
As we are coming into Autumn, the children have enjoyed investigating autumn leaves and conkers brought in by one of the children! We decided to sort the conkers and leaves by size, some of the children even decided to…
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Year 4 - Macmillan coffee morning

Today we helped raise money for Macmillan by coming to school in our own clothes.  We had our own "Coffee Morning" with milk and biscuits!

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Joints and muscles

Year 3 were fantastic at drawing and making models of the elbow joint. They could explain how muscles work together to make our arms bend 

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