Year 2 Hour of Code

This week Year 2 enjoyed taking part in the Tynker Hour of Code. Our game was Candy Quest where we had to program characters to reach the candy. Well done to Josh and Scarlett who reached Level 20 and completed the game. There were some very tricky levels which even Mrs Forrester found…

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Caterpillars, dragons and drummers!

What a busy week! Firstly, year 1 took delivery of some baby caterpillars. We are going to watch them grow and develop over the coming weeks. They have already grown sooo much, we can’t quite believe it. 


Then we had a surprise visit from A DRAGON!! Very unusual, we might investigate this…

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Year 5 PE coaches

As part of Year 5s PE they have been thinking about leadership and before the holiday they set about planning their own PE lessons for younger children. They had to include a warm up, main activity and cool down. This week, they tried out their ideas with Year 1. The children from both year groups…

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Andrew Green Author Visit

As part of our World Book Day celebrations, Yesterday we had a visit from Andrew Green, an author and illustrator. He talked to us about being an author and illustrator and read one of his books to us. In the afternoon we then did a workshop with him. There was lots of rhyming, illustrating…
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Year 1 Maths this week

This week we have been investigating ‘difference’. We have looked at difference in weight, difference in length and using the correct vocabulary for this. We have also investigated difference in number using our Numicon and Number rods. We started to relate ‘difference’ to taking away and we have…

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Jump jump jump!

In PE this week we focussed on our jumping skills as part of our Fundamental movements. We learnt that the best jumpers keep their feet together, bend their knees and use their arms to add power to a jump. We practised these skills through lots of different jumping activities including skipping…

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Year 1 Zoo trip

Year 1 had a great day at the zoo. We visited to support our learning about animals. We identified lots of mammals, reptiles, birds and insects while we were there and used our scientific language to talk about their features, habitats and behaviours. 


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Hands on Animals

As part of our topic we met lots of interesting creatures. Thanks to Kelly from Hands in Animals for bringing them to see us. 

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On Friday we were provided with the opportunity to celebrate the children's progress this year in our annual awards assembly! 

All the children have worked very hard this year and we would like to celebrate each and every single achievement they have made. It has been wonderful to see…

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Say Hello to Turbo Tim!

The reception children were treated to a special visit from an animal friend this week and his name was... Turbo Tim!

The children loved meeting him, they took great care and asked lots of important questions!

Since Turbo Tim belongs to our classmate Theo he did a superb job answering…

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It's a mystery...

Image of It's a mystery...

On Thursday morning the children arrived to find a big mess! The animals were gone, the dinosaurs were gone and the classrooms had been destroyed! What had happened? It was a mystery!

The children set off hunting to find the animals and dinosaurs, they looked all over the school! In the end, we…

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Caught in the 'Wild'...

Image of Caught in the 'Wild'...

The children have been engaging in lots of child-initiated activities these past few weeks as they are thoroughly enjoying the new topics 'Animals' and 'Dinosaurs'. We have been doing lots of research on the internet to create fact files, 'googling' questions and watching videos of the animals…

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