Year 3 Science Trip

On Wednesday 15th March we visited Blackpool Tower to watch a science show called 'Whoops we blew up the lab!'

Wackey Jackie and her Fun Science Lab team showed us lots of exciting experiments using items from around the house.

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3SK Testing Rocks

This week we have been testing different rocks.  We wanted to know whether different rocks would float or sink.

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3SK - Rocks! Rocks! Rocks!

Our new topic is all about rocks.  We have been observing the differences in different rocks and deciding which type of rock they are.  Can you name any rocks?

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3SK Iron Man Models

We have designed and made models of the Iron Man with a moving part in our Design and technology lessons.

Our models either used a slider mechanism to make his eyes change colour or a linkage mechanism to make both of his arms move.

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Year 3 Iron Man Art

We worked together to make the different body parts of the Iron Man using junk modelling and silver paper, then we joined them together.  We really enjoyed making him!

We also created our own Iron Man collages.

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Year 3 Change for Life Dance festival

Year 3 went to Blackpool 6th form to take part I the Change for Life Dance festival. We all enjoyed creating and performing a dance to 'Uptown funk'


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3SK Magnet Madness!

In our science lessons we are learning about magnets.  We investigated whether we could move different objects using only a magnet.

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3SK Iron Man Art

In Year 3 we have started reading The Iron Man by Ted Hughes.  We are enjoying it so much that it inspired us to create our own chalk pictures of the Iron Man.

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A Snowy Frenzy! by 3SK

3SK have created a snowy winter wonderland in the area outside the classroom - We wrote a description about the Snow Queen's palace, used Van Gogh's 'Starry Night' to draw and paint our own versions renamed 'Snowy Night' and put our craft skills to use making snowflakes from different…

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Investigating what is in the foods we eat

We investigated how much fat, salt and sugar was in some of the foods we eat.  The results amazed us! 

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Music in 3PS

We have had lots of fun this half term learning to sing and play the song Let Your Spirit Fly.  

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3SK Healthy Astronaut Meals

As part of our topic on Bones and Bodies we have been learning about nutrition and healthy eating.  We used our designing and making skills to create a healthy meal for an astronaut. It was great fun! 

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