Year 4 - Tip Trip!

This week we visited the local Recycling Centre as part of our geography topic.  We found out which rubbish can be reused and recycled and which can not!

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4SK - Mother's Day cards

Today we have made Mother's Day cards.  We used paper to create the flowers and assembled them in our own way!

We hope that the special ladies in our lives will love them!

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Year 4 - Gymnastics

In PE this half term we are working on gymnastics.  We experimented with different ways of balancing.

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Year 4 - Skull Art

We used skulls by Escher as a starting point for our own line drawings.  We used different grades of pencil to create tone and texture.

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Year 4 - World Book Day

For World Book Day we brought our favourite books to school.  We created a poster of the front cover and shared our books together.

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Year 4 - Lantern Sale

To celebrate the end of our electricity topic we invited our parent's to school to show off our lantern creations.  We were able to buy our lanterns so that we could try them out at home!


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Year 4 - Fractions

This week in maths we have been working with fractions!


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Year 4 - Science: Circuits with switches

This week in science we had to investigate what would happen if we didn't want the light on in our circuit all the time - we realised that we had to use a switch!


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Year 4 - Science: Electricity circuits

This half term our Science topic is all about electricity.  We had to decide what equipment was needed and what we would do to make the bulb light up.  We were all bright sparks!


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Year 4 Fit2Go Quiz

This week 10 children went to Blackpool Football Club to take part in a quiz against other local schools.  It was a chance for us to showcase what we had learned in our Fit2Go sessions last half term.  We worked as a team to answer questions and solve puzzles - Moor Parkā€¦

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Year 4 - Science

We have been learning about teeth and digestion in our science lessons over the last few weeks.  We investigated how the digestive system works starting from when food enters the body following the process right up to when it leaves it!

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Fit2Go Parent Workshop

To conclude our 6 weeks of Fit2Go, we invited our parent's into school to share what we have learned.

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