Year 1 Zoo trip

Year 1 had a great day at the zoo. We visited to support our learning about animals. We identified lots of mammals, reptiles, birds and insects while we were there and used our scientific language to talk about their features, habitats and behaviours. 


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1MM Investigating Outdoors

Well we have had a busy couple of weeks in 1MM. We have thoroughly enjoyed the sunny weather and made the most of it. 

First we investigated capacity and have learned how to measure containers in millilitres. 

Then we became geographers and discovered our school environment before going on a…

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Bridge Engineers

On Friday 1MM became bridge engineers. Using Lego we had to build a bridge that went over a river and it had to be strong enough too (some were a little bit shaky and broke easily). The challenge also tested our teamwork and perseverance. In the end, everyone had built their own bridge and…

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We are Scientists!

Image of We are Scientists!

This week in reception we have been encouraging the children's investigative skills as a part of British Science Week! 

The children were challenged to investigate materials that float or sink and they did this in many ways! Some children went off to find their own materials that would float or…

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A touch of frost..

Image of A touch of frost..

Miley and Marshall brought frosty leaves that they found on their way into school this week and the children just loved finding their own out on the playground! 

The frosty weather has also led to some great discussion in the classroom. We used our talk partners to discuss our own experiences…

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Brrrr, it's cold in here...

Image of Brrrr, it's cold in here...

On Monday the children enjoyed exploring and investigating ice in the ice tray. 
We engaged in lots of exciting discussion around melting and what happens when we heat ice. We also discussed which animals like to live in cold habitats and Miley told us that 'Polar Bears live in the arctic'!

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