A busy first week

We have been busy exploring shape, practising our drawing skills, writing our name and doing lots of reading. And it’s only day 2!

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Year 4 - Spheros

We used the Spheros to create shapes and follow routes.  We programmed the Ipad with how and where the Sphero would move, then we tested it to see if we had done it correctly!

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A visit from Hands in Animals for Year 2

Year 2 were lucky enough to have a visit from Kelly from Hands on Animals today.

We have been reading The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark and finding out lots of Owl facts. So we were especially excited to meet Moomin the barn owl. Kelly also brought Woodward the millipede, Cecil the snake and…

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Year 2 Parent Event

It was lovely to see so many of you at our circus themed parent event on Wednesday. The children thoroughly enjoyed sharing their learning with their families and spending time getting creative. 

Everybody got involved, some more competitive than others! But everyone had a great time. 

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Year 4 - Maths Workshop

As part of our prize for winning the National Numeracy Day competition, we were visited today by a representative from the charity who ran the competition. (WE.org)

Bilal delivered lots of activities to get us thinking about the importance of number in our everyday lives and the world.

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Marvels and Mayhem in Year 2

Year 2 were selected to take part in the Blackpool Marvels and Mayhem project. We started the week with a visit from storyteller Emily who told us a fascinating story about the Tower Circus long ago. We learnt about some amazing acts who would have performed at the circus. The children and staff…

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Year 4 - Ice Melting Experiment

In science, we observed how a solid changes back into a liquid.  We recorded what happened to the block of ice through the day.  We used our measurements and made a chart of each strip.  Then we used the results to create a line graph.

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Year 4 - Evaporating Experiment

In science, we have been learning about different states of matter.  In this lesson, we had to decide how best we could evaporate 20ml of water.  We chose our own containers and decided where to put it for the experiment.  We kept checking through out the day to see how quickly the water was…

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National Numeracy Day News

We are pleased to announce that following our National Numeracy Day activities and Parent Event, we put our school forward for the chance to win £1000 and recently found out that


We hope to spend the money on maths resources to help support the teaching of place value including…

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Year 3 - French Parent Event

On Thursday, Year 3 had a fantastic morning showcasing their French learning to their parents and family members. We looked très Francais wearing red, white and blue, and we impressed everybody with our rendition of “Tête, épaules, genoux, pieds”. The children were excellent peer coaches for their…

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Caterpillars, dragons and drummers!

What a busy week! Firstly, year 1 took delivery of some baby caterpillars. We are going to watch them grow and develop over the coming weeks. They have already grown sooo much, we can’t quite believe it. 


Then we had a surprise visit from A DRAGON!! Very unusual, we might investigate this…

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Drumming Workshop

We had a very exciting visitor in school on Friday. Jeff Rich, the drummer from Status Quo, came to share his talents with us. We rocked out to his expert drumming before getting the chance to perform alongside him with a variety of percussion instruments (including fruit-shaped maracas!) It seems…

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