School is open from 8:30am until 3:15pm.

The gates will be opened from 8:30am. Teachers will be on duty from 8:30am on the playground to greet the children. Please note the children are not supervised at this time and remain the responsibility of their parents/guardians until they enter the school building. It is very important that children arrive and are collected from school at the appropriate times. Children prefer a consistent and calm routine and do not want to appear different from their classmates. Activities begin straight away, children who are late for school will often miss crucial information, which can affect their progress. Help your child develop positive attitudes and essential skills for life by being on time. 

Gates will be closed and locked at 8:40am. Please ensure you arrive in plenty of time. If you arrive after 8:40am you will need to take your child/children to the main office and sign in as late.

At the end of the day playground gates will be open at 2:55pm.

If your child is absent it is important that you inform us immediately either by calling in at the office or by the telephone. Unexplained absences are marked in the register as unauthorised absence. This may be followed up by the Pupil Welfare Team who visit school regularly and screen our registers.

All children are entitled to breakfast items which may include; a piece of fruit, a milk or yoghurt drink and a bread product such as a scotch pancake, waffles or malt loaf.

Morning playtimes for all children take place between 10:30am and 11:15am with lunch times between 11:45am and 1:15pm.

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