Name Writing and Mark Making

The children have been working hard to develop their early writing skills this week. They have been enjoying mark making, drawing pictures and funny faces, practicing handwriting patterns and even trying to write their names. 

Keep it up Reception you're settling into school life…

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Andrew Green Author Visit

As part of our World Book Day celebrations, Yesterday we had a visit from Andrew Green, an author and illustrator. He talked to us about being an author and illustrator and read one of his books to us. In the afternoon we then did a workshop with him. There was lots of rhyming, illustrating…
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Hocus Pocus!

Image of Hocus Pocus!

This week in reception we have been celebrating 'Spooky Week'!

To start the spooky celebrations we worked together to make Witches gloop, a spooky potion that if consumed will turn anyone into a snake! 
The children got stuck in mixing, spelling and deciding ingredients, some of us even wrote…

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Look what we've been up to...

It's been a busy week in reception and the children have been working hard! 
As we are coming into Autumn, the children have enjoyed investigating autumn leaves and conkers brought in by one of the children! We decided to sort the conkers and leaves by size, some of the children even decided to…
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Harry Potter day

Today marks 20years since the first Harry Potter book was released. In Year 1 we held a themed day to celebrate. First, 1MM received a visitor - a baby dragon! We had to think about how to look after it and then we wrote a list of instructions for its care. After lunch, we had a treasure hunt…

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Super Veggie's Assemble

Image of Super Veggie's Assemble

This week we have been reading the story 'Supertato', the children have loved learning about the mischievous Evil Peas predicting what they will be up to next and keeping an eye out for them around school! 

The children enjoyed the story so much they wanted to make their own super veggies,…

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Superkid's visit to reception!

Image of Superkid's visit to reception!

To begin our new super hero topic the children have been looking at the story 'Superkid', they were very curious and wanted to ask him some questions. The next day, the children arrived to school to find a sparkly letter. It was from Superkid and he had flown in to our classrooms to see the…

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