Dough Disco!
At the end of each school day the children come together to take part in our daily dough disco! The children love exercising their fingers wriggling, pinching, squeezing and prodding their dough with tom thumb, ruby ring and baby small! Not only are the children getting ready to write exercising…
Repeating Patterns!
This week we have been learning about Repeating Patterns.
The children have been using a variety of different resources to create them: the mini-me's, Numicon, paper chains and even our bodies - they have been very resourceful!
Some of the children decided to challenge themselves by creating 3…
Today the children went on an Autumn walk exploring the school grounds for signs of Autumn!
The children found many objects, berries, conkers, sycamore keys, autumn leaves and twigs that they will observe more closely this week in the classrooms.
They discussed different trees…
Art Attack!!
We spoke about our different body parts and how important they are and some of the children decided to build their own. We used materials found all over the classroom and the children got very creative deciding which…
Look what we've been up to...
As we are coming into Autumn, the children have enjoyed investigating autumn leaves and conkers brought in by one of the children! We decided to sort the conkers and leaves by size, some of the children even decided to…
Harry Potter day
Today marks 20years since the first Harry Potter book was released. In Year 1 we held a themed day to celebrate. First, 1MM received a visitor - a baby dragon! We had to think about how to look after it and then we wrote a list of instructions for its care. After lunch, we had a treasure hunt…
Reception's Surprise Visitor...
On Wednesday the children arrived at school to find the trail of a surprise visitor!
The Easter bunny had come to visit our classroom, he left an awful mess, there were muddy bike tracks all over the place and the children were very inquisitive as to why he'd been here!
Some of the…
'Eggciting' Easter Fun!
The last week of the spring term was spent learning all about Easter and the Easter story. The children really enjoyed discussing why we celebrate Easter and this led to a lot of activities to help us with our learning.
We got very creative, making spring chickens, decorating our own Easter…