Stanley Park Parkrun

Photos from the Stanley Park parkrun.

Miss. Everest


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Harry Potter day

Today marks 20years since the first Harry Potter book was released. In Year 1 we held a themed day to celebrate. First, 1MM received a visitor - a baby dragon! We had to think about how to look after it and then we wrote a list of instructions for its care. After lunch, we had a treasure hunt…

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Bridge Engineers

On Friday 1MM became bridge engineers. Using Lego we had to build a bridge that went over a river and it had to be strong enough too (some were a little bit shaky and broke easily). The challenge also tested our teamwork and perseverance. In the end, everyone had built their own bridge and…

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Stanley Park Road Races

Well done to all those who competed in the road races, you were all brilliant! A special mention should go to Bella who won her race and James who came 6th.


Well done again,

Miss. Everest


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3D shape building

We've used a lot of learning skills this week during our 3D shape lessons. We've had to solve problems, work in teams and climb out of the learning pit. We needed lots of perseverance too, especially when we were trying to build shapes out of spaghetti and marshmallows. 


Albert and Melody…

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PE in the sunshine

We have been practising our athletic skills in PE this half term. We have focussed on our throwing skills and our running technique for the last two weeks. We've also been able to enjoy the beautiful weather during our lessons. Great fun!


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Junk Robots

We had a great week designing and making junk robots. We had to think of names for them and the jobs that they can do. What do you think of our inventions? 


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1AE Easter Egg Competition Winners

Thank you very much to all the parents and grandparents who helped the children create their eggs, they were great!!

It was a tricky descision but we eventually decided on two. Well done. 


Miss. Everest 




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1AE Easter Egg Hunt!

We had an easter egg hunt in our garden. We worked in pairs and had to work out the clues in order to win a prize.

Well done 1AE! 

Miss. Everest



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Fruit Faces

Did you know we can eat some plants? Some of us weren't sure at first so we had an investigation.

Last week we designed, made and evaluated our own fruit faces as part of our work on plants. 

They were very yummy. 


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Spellbinders Visit

On Wednesday we had a visit from Spellbinder and, had a lot of fun listening to stories and dancing to songs.


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1MM Traditional Tales Day

We had a great time on Friday. We had Goldilocks porridge for breakfast, decorated gingerbread men, tested bridges for the Billy Goats Gruff and write about what we'd like to find at the top of the beanstalk. Our costumes were fabulous too. 


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